Thursday, March 22, 2012

Happy Birthday, Skylee!!

Skylee turned four today.
:) How time flies!!

Here is the Official Four-Year-Old Interview:
Color: black
Animal: zebra
Book: I'm a Big Sister
Song: The B-I-B-L-E (and the Dinosaur song she is learning in choir)
Movie:  Cinderella
TV Show: Fresh Beat Band
Cereal: trix
Stuffed Animal: favorite teddy bear
Toy: Flying fairy toy
Activity: Drawing (and writing her name on EVERYTHING)
Food: pb&j
Snack: Ritz with peanut butter and apples
Place to Eat: Sushi Bites next to Best Buy

Favorite Thing about Being 3: Getting Pepper :)
Favorite Thing about being 4: Getting to be a big sister.
Feel different now that you are four?: Yes, I can dance better, and I can beat-box. (lol)
Best Friend: Lacey
Boyfriend: Daddy :)
What you want to be when you grow up:  a "Cooker"

thing she wanted most for her bday: Skylee Dragon and a fancy Electric Toothbrush she saw at Best Buy

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