Thursday, March 22, 2012

Happy Birthday, Skylee!!

Skylee turned four today.
:) How time flies!!

Here is the Official Four-Year-Old Interview:
Color: black
Animal: zebra
Book: I'm a Big Sister
Song: The B-I-B-L-E (and the Dinosaur song she is learning in choir)
Movie:  Cinderella
TV Show: Fresh Beat Band
Cereal: trix
Stuffed Animal: favorite teddy bear
Toy: Flying fairy toy
Activity: Drawing (and writing her name on EVERYTHING)
Food: pb&j
Snack: Ritz with peanut butter and apples
Place to Eat: Sushi Bites next to Best Buy

Favorite Thing about Being 3: Getting Pepper :)
Favorite Thing about being 4: Getting to be a big sister.
Feel different now that you are four?: Yes, I can dance better, and I can beat-box. (lol)
Best Friend: Lacey
Boyfriend: Daddy :)
What you want to be when you grow up:  a "Cooker"

thing she wanted most for her bday: Skylee Dragon and a fancy Electric Toothbrush she saw at Best Buy

Saturday, March 3, 2012

It's been a while since I've posted, and I will eventually catch up (hehe maybe), but tonight something happened I want to remember.
In the middle of eating dinner (some concotion we created of sauteed chicken with orzo, corn, peas, carrots, green beans, zucchini, squash, brussel sprouts, tomatoes, 3 types of cheese, and spaghetti sauce), Skylee declared "I am the pirate captain and you are my friend! Today we are looking for buried treasure!" She began digging around her dinner with her spoon until she came across a green bean. "Aha!" she exclaimed, "The treasure chest! Now open it up and see what's just might be a green bean!" And so she opened it up, took out the beans, and smiled the silliest smile. "Here is the treasure! Now we can eat it."
And so the rest of dinner, we were pirates digging for 'treasure.' After we ran out of green beans, we searched for other types of treasure (peas mainly), until we were full.
I love Skylee.
I love her crazy random spontaneous imagination and how she makes everything 100% more fun and more special.