Everyday is a day for festivities and mainly continuing to decorate my apartment to death.
So far..we have carved pumpkins, painted pumpkins, made spider pumpkins, painted "jack-o-lantern" jars, taped paper mice to the walls, taped paper spiders to the walls, created leaf collages, and decorated sparkly paper pumpkins. Not to mention visited two awesome pumpkin patches (Yahoo Farms & earlier today, Berry Patch), an apple orchard, AND hit 3 fall festivals.
Have I mentioned how much I love the holidays. Halloween is in less than a week, and it is only the beginning! :)
I love that Skylee loves 'doing things'. Like her ballet classes, gymnastics, music classes, cubbies, swim lessons, etc...anything she has ever tried, she has loved! And, I might add, she is very determined to succeed at whatever she tries. Last week she had her gymnastics recital for the month, and if she didn't get a tumble or jump right, she kept trying until she did. You could also tell..she likes speed. Which makes sense. On days we can't get to the park/outside somewhere, she runs around and around.
She is also CONSTANTLY dancing. And showing me her 'new dance moves.' And (i should add) jumping. I need to get her a little trampoline for my room; my bed will REALLY appreciate it. :)
Not only am I showered with affection all day (I mean constantly I hear.."I love you mommy." "You are so sweet to me mommy!" "You are my favorite!" "You are a good mommy." "Come over here and give me a big hug!!" just out of the blue), but our little moments we have..our little conversations..priceless. It is crazy that aside from my relationship with my husband, I have the closest, most intimate and special relationship with a three year old!
I always thought I'd have kids closer together...2 years ideally..because my brother and I are two years apart, and we have had such a close relationship growing up. However, the more I reflect, the happier I am I have had these 3 1/2 years with JUST Skylee...to love on her, be silly with her, really get to know her...and it has given her time to understand rules, discipline, what we expect, etc without distraction.
Lately, Skylee's new phrase has been "don't you think?" She attaches it to the end of every statement. "We should get some ice cream, don't you think?" "We should read one more book, don't you think?" "It's time to play hide and seek....don't you think?" :) And it is hard to say No to that!
We prayed for Papa B (my dad) and I fasted from the computer all day, and she decided to fast from tv.
I explained what fasting is, and her first response, of course, "I will fast from picking up my toys!" haha
While I am sure I will boo-hoo like a baby when she goes to preschool next year, I cannot wait. She is going to love it! The other day I was working on my school work, and she sat in my lap, and asked if she could look through my school book. Then, with just the saddest face, she said, "I want to go to school with you. But I can't. It's only for grownups. That makes me sad." So, we looked through my book, and I taught her about the body, how God created us! How we work! I let her feel her rib cage and hip bone, and I pointed them out on an image of a skeleton. I showed her the heart and the vessels and briefly explained how blood works. She seemed to enjoy it so much...I decided I need to challenge her more. It is so easy to underestimate someone so young!
Anyway, I will have to post some pictures. This is getting too wordy!
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