Thursday, December 2, 2010

When I grow up..

Skylee informed me today that when she grows up, she wants to be a penguin. Furthermore, she told me when I grow up, I will be a penguin too. (And daddy, too.) Then we can all go swimming together.
We went to the doctor today. No fevers! Yay! Just colds. Yesterday we re-arranged the place and had a total movie night. We cuddled in bed with about 40 stuffed animals and watched a movie.

ps. I promise to stop being lazy sometime today and post pictures of Thanksgiving.

1 comment:

  1. Skylee will make an excellent penguin (as well you and Caleb). I hope one day Matt, the boys, and I will achieve Penguinhood. And then we will all move to Antarctica together and bake fish tarts on Sundays.
