Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Cupcakes. Skylee's one true love.
 Perhaps this is why she adores my friend Darcy so much.
Just about every time Darcy comes over, we make cupcakes.
A week ago, we made some for Darcy's mom's birthday.

That didn't stop Skylee, however, from snagging a few. :)

Crafty Crafty.

What happens when we get crafty.
Making Christmas Cards!!
Skylee's angel ornament! Her name is Georgie.
Skylee's self portrait with Uncle Nick. (I helped with the eyes!)
Grandpa got a penguin!

Being Silly

She loves taking pictures!

I'm an elephant wrapper. bahaha

Our paper dolls...Lacey, Skylee, and Jamie.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Yeah, We're Weird

We have crazy fun from early in the morning..

my  moustache girl
all the way to bedtime!

Our Tree!

Going to find a Tree! These are too white.
This one's too big!

Just Right!

Lit and Decorated the very next day!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Preparing for Christmas

The past few weeks have been a lot of fun...getting a tree, decorating even more, buying and wrapping gifts, making snowman cookies, and having Christmas movie marathons! The first week of Christmas we went through all of our toy ads/catalogs, and let Skylee circle what she really wanted from Santa. Then I cut out the pictures, and we mailed them to Santa! Her list consisted of a cash register, dress up shoes, a pillow pet, pull along hen (she loves chickens!), a spider bean bag chair (..she also loves spiders), legos, a trampoline (haha), a REAL snowman, a microwave (not an easy bake one, a real microwave), paint, and, of course, sprinkles.

Skylee got to see Santa last week at our favorite consignment Once Upon a Child where she told him she did not want any toys for Christmas, just a puppy and a kitty.
Earlier today I asked her if Santa should return all the other toys, and she confirmed No.
In fact, a unicorn pillow pet, according to her, will suffice.
We watched the classic How the Grinch Stole Christmas a few hours ago, and I have a feeling it will become a regular this month. (Just as long as I don't have to watch anymore Care bears I'll be okay!)
This week we've been making lots of Christmas ornaments. Construction paper, googly eyes, pipe cleaners, and a hole puncher is all you need for hours of fun with a two year old. Oh, and a crayon.
Beware though! Skylee went a little crazy with her crayons this week and drew on the wall, but she definitely learned her lesson. On the bright side, I have a beautiful masterpiece above our sofa until I have the time to get it out.

Keeping secrets has turned out to not be one of Skylee's strong points at this age. In the psych of Christmas cheer, she had already told me some of the gifts she is getting me. Haha So cute!
Also, I have a little nativity set in her room, and I catch her ALL the time playing with the characters incorporating them into her Barbie or Lego plots. They all need to see baby Jesus, she told me.

This week Skylee's fashion style has really been shining through, and I plan on letting her express herself however she wishes. Four, five outfit changes a day? Go for it! Mixing summer and winter clothes? Why not! 3 pairs of paints, a tutu, tank top, and heavy duty coat? Polka dots, stripes, AND floral prints? She can somehow pull it off. Or it could just be that she always looks perfect to me. :) (She is also very into hats!)

Thursday, December 2, 2010

When I grow up..

Skylee informed me today that when she grows up, she wants to be a penguin. Furthermore, she told me when I grow up, I will be a penguin too. (And daddy, too.) Then we can all go swimming together.
We went to the doctor today. No fevers! Yay! Just colds. Yesterday we re-arranged the place and had a total movie night. We cuddled in bed with about 40 stuffed animals and watched a movie.

ps. I promise to stop being lazy sometime today and post pictures of Thanksgiving.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

I am thankful... for my family!

Haven't posted an update in a while. Sadly, I have been sick, but Caleb and Skylee have been taking good care of me! Have I mentioned I have the most perfect child? Earlier she told me to rest and she would do laundry! Ha! This morning we had a tea party and paraded around the apartment appreciating the Christmas decorations, which, by the way, are incredible.
Skylee helped me decorate on Black Friday, and if our goal was to make our home look like Christmastown, we succeeded. Skylee is especially proud of her Christmas tree (she picked it out!) and her pink (of course) lights. She got first pick of our ornaments and decked out her tree with every disney and candy-looking ornament she could find. I even tried hanging a few candy canes on various branches, but soon realized that was a bad idea. (She kept trying to eat them!)
2 1/2 is such a silly age. She tries to be sneaky, but doesn't know the art of it, yet, thankfully! She will try to "hide" a candy cane when she finds one within her small reach. By "hide" I mean she will frantically run to me holding the candy cane firmly against her back (very suspiciously!) and proceed to tell me she has candy and is going to hide it in her closet. She is always surprised when I find it, too. :)
Lately she's been learning computer skills! She has a few basic games she loves to play. One of these days I'm going to teach her how to type...!

Anyway, Thanksgiving was wonderful!
Caleb's parents took Skylee down to Waycross the Monday before Thanksgiving. Caleb and I traveled down with Jacob and Luke Wednesday morning.
It's always nice seeing the whole family, mingling, and, of course, watching Skylee play with her cousins. She played rough, too! Trampoline, dress up, tricycles, chalk, Barbie car...she did not stop! Grandma Velva is so sweet to do Thanksgiving at her place. And, I might add, she is an amazing chef! The food was delicious!! We had turkey, ham, greens, dressing, mac&cheese, potato salad, broc salad, biscuits, cornbread, cream corn, okra, sweet potato casserole...I'm sure there was more. And the desserts! The dessert menu was just as long as the main/side dishes menu! Fudge, red velvet cake, chocolate cake, peanut butter bars, so many types of cakes and pies...needless to say, we stuffed ourselves. Skylee, like her mama, especially loved the sweet potato casserole. And the ham. (Ponyo is a main influence.)
After Thanksgiving lunch/dinner, we went to visit Grandma Gwen and the Rudicks. We love our family so much! Skylee was very sad to leave, but we will hopefully be able to return sometime in the near future for more socializing. 
Friday morning we woke Skylee up in the wee hours of the morning (even she did not want to get out of bed..and she is a morning person! Chik Fil A biscuits were our inspiration.) for black friday shopping! She really loved getting to go out in her jammies, and we got some good deals! Only 2 and a half, and she is a pro shopper.

As a side note, I am so thankful for my family and friends. I love you all, and I cannot imagine life without you. You always brighten my days,  so thank you.  Family (and honorary family!) is everything.   :)

Pictures to come!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Santa and Skylee

Last Sunday, Skylee met Santa...and his reindeer!

Afterwards, We went downtown for an arts & crafts festival. :) It was a very fun day.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Krispy Kreme with Uncle Nick

Louisville downtown

Science Center

 After saying our goodbyes to Allan and Imogen, we followed Erie to the Louisville Science Center which just so happened to have a Sesame Street exhibit on tour. Before we got there, I had to stop and take a few pictures in and of Louisville; the architecture and scenery is so beautiful.

Skylee is at the perfect age to enjoy the Science Center! We made bubbles, played with magnets, and looked through telescopes before starting the Sesame Street exibit. Skylee got to visit Elmo's World, run through Super Grover's obstacle course, dance with her favorite characters, learn body parts with Big Bird, learn the digestive system with Oscar, shop in Hooper's Store...and a ton more. We were there about an hour and a half and did not make it off the first floor. One day I'd like to go back and spend  a whole day playing and learning together.