Tuesday, February 15, 2011

My Ballerina

Skylee has decided when she grows up, she wants to be a ballerina.

Spidey, Vday

Last week, I introduced Skylee to Spiderman. She got a spiderman toothbrush for Christmas, and instantly fell in love. Then, last week, I let her pick out a balloon (because she was so good at the gym)...and she HAD to have Spiderman.
So, I decided it was time. Time to watch Spidey! Over the next 3 days, we marathon'd Spectacular Spiderman (one of the "modern" Marvel shows...though not accurate, we really liked it.) A day or two later, Skylee had the theme song memorized. Now whenever we drive around, we sing Spiderman.
Last Friday, the three of us spent the night at our friends Caleb and Heather's place. Skylee woke me up, whispering in my ear, asking if I would sing the Spidey song for her. The next morning, she woke me up singing it to me. Ah, progression. :)

A few updates...we joined a gym last week! Oh, wait. Did I mention I got a CAR?!? :) (Well, Skylee got a car...I get to play chauffeur.) First day with our new car we joined a gym. It's really a win/win. I get to workout and get a little "me and my music" time, while Skylee plays. Every day that we've gone, she's begged me to stay she has had so much fun. Then, we relax in the car and talk about our morning. She tells me about how many friends she made, what she played, how she shared...it's perfect. We constantly make up songs when I drive. After the gym, I usually take Skylee to Smoothie King for a little treat. Everyday on the way, we make up songs about the types of smoothie she's going to order that particular day.

We have been very busy! Last week we had shopping time with Jen Ro (Skylee's favorite of my friends) and lunch with Darcy (Skylee's other favorite.) We've gone to parks, and one of these days...I've got 2 free passes to see Tangled. We also spent a day at Grammy and Papa's hanging and helping out. Grammy has been sick. :(

Valentines Day was BUSY.
I am lucky to have such a good little helper.
We mailed our V-day cards on Valentines Day (hehe always late), and started our day early.
We let Skylee open her gift from Teresa and Joe and Grammy B and Papas at breakfast. Opening gifts, turns out, is a sure way to start the day of happy. We got a mixture of stickers, books, candy, and stuffed animals. Thank you! <3

Next up: Gym, Doctor (Skylee had a bit of a cough, just wanted to make sure she was fine), Made and delivered lunch for Caleb, Groceries, Shower, Clean house/a week of laundry, V-day shopping, Grammy's house for yummy valentines (candy, cheese, crackers, stickers, and colouring books!), Sbux for some caffeine, Chik Fil A, and finally HOME to decorate, cook, and romanticize everything.
Skylee helped out in the kitchen with the appetizer menu...Coconut Shrimp, Crab stuffed mushrooms, Spicy Okra, Pinwheels, Cheese/Crackers, and, of course, lots of chocolate.
We dined to candlelight and opened our gifts.

Skylee was ECSTATIC to get her very own camelbak. She immediately threw her arms around Caleb and thanked him. She also immediately put it on and did not take it off til bedtime. (Caleb got me a camelbak as well which he gave me the day before when we went on a nature walk...all day Skylee went on about how she loved mine and wish she had one..hee hee.) She also got chocolate, smartwools (which she loves), and a little outfit. Her responses to opening gifts is priceless. Hugs, kisses, thankyouthankyouthankyous. The works. :)

and today is officially DO NOTHING DAY!
Unless the weather is as nice as they predict...then we might have to bust out our camel baks and go for a little hike.

Hmm..oh! We had a playdate 2 weeks ago with Lowen and Liesel. While the kiddos played, Caleb and I picnic'd with Caleb, Heather, Hannah, Zach, and Corrie.

New Car!!

Skylee also helped me create a scrapbook of Caleb's and my third year of marriage as a gift for our anniversary. <3